
+91 888 456 6889


Opening Hours

Mon - Sat: 7AM - 7PM

How long is the session?
From the time you step into Onsen Studio for your appointment 10 minutes prior, to when you are done, it will take approximately 50 – 60 minutes.

What is in your 40-minute session?
Each session comprises pre and post bath blood pressure taking. The foot bath and full bath sessions take up 25 and 20 minutes respectively.

What is the difference between Foot Baths and Full Body Baths?
While both baths
help to promote blood circulation,
have similar benefits for migraine, asthma, flu and cold sufferers,
aids in reduction of swelling from injuries,
release muscle tension
their main difference is in the ‘physical coverage’ of the ultrasonic bubbles.
The foot bath has the bubbles hitting anywhere in the area below the knees, while the full bath allows you to adjust your body accordingly to enjoy extended benefits of the bubble massage treatment, like alleviating back ache pain and back muscle spasm, help in body contouring and release tension on specific areas the foot bath cannot reach.

Can I take a Foot bath and a Full bath on the same day?
Yes you can but when you book the appointments for each one of the session, ensure that you allow at least 45 minutes in between from the end of one session to the start of the next session.

How do I do Group bookings?
For Group bookings, you have to make the appointments one at a time, for each member of your group, while the contact details can remain the same for each booking.