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Hydrotherapy is the use of water, either internally or externally, to maintain health prevent disease. It was formerly known as hydropathy, and probably the oldest form of medical treatment.

The benefits of hydrotherapy have been recognized for thousands of years. In recent years, hydrotherapy centres have sprouted all over the world. It is now commonly known as spa, derived from the Latin phrase “Solus per aqua” which means ‘health via water’. There are many different spas offering all types of “water cures”

Hydrotherapy is not a modern-day invention; the use of water therapy can be traced back all the way to ancient China, Japan, India, Rome, Greece, and the Middle East.

Ancient civilizations recognized the healing power of natural hot and cold springs. Back in 4th century BC., the Greek Physician Hippocrates prescribed bathing and drinking spring water as a way of treating illnesses. He said “the way to wellness is to take an aromatherapy bath daily”.

The Romans built outstanding communal baths because they believed in the value of hot springs. Their soldiers plunged into these communal baths after they returned from their battles. The bath helped them to recuperate and got the ready for their next battle.

Hot springs were known to many civilizations for their ability to treat skin-related diseases. The first emperor of China, Shi Huang Ti, who built the Great Wall of China, contracted a rare skin disease which even the best physicians of his time could not treat. Later, he discovered the effectiveness of hot spring water for treating his skin disease. He subsequently built the famous Lishan Tang hot spring in China.

Shi Huang Ti

Hot springs were known to many civilizations for their ability to treat skin-related diseases. The first emperor of China, Shi Huang Ti, who built the Great Wall of China, contracted a rare skin disease which even the best physicians of his time could not treat. Later, he discovered the effectiveness of hot spring water for treating his skin disease. He subsequently built the famous Lishan Tang hot spring in China.

Yang Guifei

Many ancient civilizations have also recorded the use of hydrotherapy in achieving beauty. Yang Guifei, one of the four great beauties of China, used hydrother­apy to achieve and maintain her great complexion. She loved the rose bath.

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